Young Chamber Players
Now accepting applications for 2025 Session
2025 summer intensive - Chamber music academy July 7-11, 2025
FINALE concert
Date: Friday, July 11, 2025
Time: 6:00pm
Venue: Tacoma Community College Performing Arts Center
Tickets: General admission by donation
SUMMER intensive
chamber music academy
The Second City Chamber Series — Tacoma’s award-winning producer of professional chamber music concerts — invites high-school-age musicians interested in the performance of chamber music to audition for the Young Chamber Players (YCP), a week-long intensive chamber performance and education program sponsored by the Second City Chamber Series.
Camp dates: July 7-11, 2025
Venue: Tacoma Community College
Summer 2024 Cohort and Faculty
It’s simple to audition, and all the details about the camp itself are below.
Make a 5-minute YouTube video of your playing that should be uploaded to YouTube by Monday, June 9, 2025 at 5pm.
Include the YouTube link in your application form
Contact Dr. Lyman with any questions: zachlyman1975@gmail.com, (253) 740-5740
Directions to Tacoma Community College
details & schedule
All high school students!
Must be attending high school in the 2024-2025 academic year
Accomplished Junior High students will be considered on an individual basis.
Any orchestral instrument (including euphonium and saxophone), piano, or guitar
We encourage existing ensembles to participate as a group
A one-time tuition payment of $200.00 is due at the first rehearsal on July 7, 2025.
Checks should be made out to “Second City Chamber Series”
A limited number of scholarships are available, please do not let financial hardship prevent you from participating in YCP!
The Second City Chamber Series provides high school-aged musicians interested in the performance of chamber music — and who qualify by audition — the opportunity to participate in the Young Chamber Players.
Auditions for the 2025 Summer YCP should be uploaded to YouTube and will be due Monday, June 9 at 5pm.
The Young Chamber Players is directed by Dr. Zachary Lyman. As the season unfolds, the students study and rehearse chamber music together, receive coaching from Second City Chamber Series artists and demonstrate their accomplishments with a concert held at Tacoma Community College in Tacoma.
Young Chamber Players participants may participate as existing ensembles or may be assigned to new ensembles appropriate to their number and instrumental mix, or both. Participants will receive:
A full week of six-hour days of coaching sessions on the preparation and performance of selected chamber music repertoire by coaches drawn from the roster of outstanding Second City Chamber Series musicians.
Special instruction and insight by Second City Chamber Series musicians on the unique challenges and rewards of chamber music performance, college music auditions, methods of individual practice and preparation, ensemble rehearsal techniques, selection and programming of repertoire, and solutions to common performance problems, including performance anxiety.
Access to all Second City Chamber Series concerts throughout the year, plus opportunities to observe rehearsals of the professional SCCS ensembles.
A Second City Chamber Series “Spotlight Concert” featuring the YCP ensembles, plus other performances in the community. Past additional performances have included appearances at the Tacoma Museum of Glass on Family Day, Boys and Girls Club performance and ice cream social, and the St. John’s Episcopal Church concert series in Olympia.
Applications are under review for July 2025 Academy!
Rehearsal Schedule
We will rehearse each day during the week of July 7 -11. The schedule for each day will be:
9:30-11:00am: first rehearsal, coaching with resident faculty
11:15am - 12:00 noon: masterclass, Q&A, other activities
12:00-12:45pm: lunch
12:45-2:00pm: second rehearsal, coaching with resident faculty and college “apprentice” coaches
2:00-3:00pm: informal student/faculty performances (solo or chamber)
Additional rehearsal:
Monday, June 30th, 5-7pm: REQUIRED ensemble meet-and-greet “reading” rehearsal. This is an informal first rehearsal where you will meet your fellow ensemble members and read through your repertoire together before we begin in earnest on July 7.
Dr. Zach Lyman, Director
(253) 740-5740 (call or text)
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